News Brooklyn Navy Yard / Photography / Waterfront

Brooklyn Navy Yard Fall Photography Contest Submissions

Just over a week ago, we had our final installment of the Brooklyn Navy Yard Seasonal Photography Tour for 2015. Thank you to the five participants who sent in their photos, and to the 20 or so people who came out with thus to explore the working waterfront areas of the Yard.

As we do every season, three photos will be chosen from this lot to be entered in the year-end competition (see the winter, spring, and summer finalists already selected). We are lucky to have the keen and experienced eye of John Bartelstone, author of the beautiful book The Brooklyn Navy Yard, chronicling the industrial landscape of the Yard over more than two decades (and you can get a copy at BLDG 92!)

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Turnstile Tours offers the Seasonal Photography Tour of the Brooklyn Navy Yard four times throughout the year. The first tour of the 2016 season will be Saturday, January 31 at 2pm. Get tickets & information here, and advance ticket purchase is highly recommended. We also offer our Past, Present & Future Tour of the Brooklyn Navy Yard every weekend at 2pm, and other special themed tours of the Yard. All tours are offered in partnership with and begin at the Brooklyn Navy Yard Center at BLDG 92, which offers free admission to three floors of exhibitions on the Yard’s past and present and a host of great special events and programs.